
Saturday, October 29, 2005

From Dali to Remi: NYC Commuting

We spent $320 total on transportation around Manhattan in this trip. We took a cab 10 times (at an average of $12 per trip) and the subway about 10 more ($2 per person per ride). I am not going to bother with the Limo, the JFK Airtrain etc.

On Saturday night, we left the hostel and entered a cab to get to Broadway to watch the Phantom. "43rd and Broadway, please" I said as if I was staying in Manhattan for years. The driver needed no more information, since Manhattan has grid-like structure of streets that usually intersect in squares, so it is very easy to go around and almost impossible to get lost. Last week, before leaving for Denver, I watched CSI:NY where a new girl has joined the team, coming from Montana. " I found the body at 86th Street and Central Park Avenue, sir" she says. Gary Sinize corrects her: "This is Manhattan. It would suffice to say 86th and Park". I smiled ligthly when I heard this line, remembering the Phantom night.

Yet the most important moment came on Sunday night, when we took the cab to the strip club in lower Manhattan: I was the one that was giving direction to the cab driver how to get to place we needed! : "Go straight, turn right on Broadway, the out street is a few blocks to the right again". Stayros considered this as the ultimate thing, a foreigner like me giving directions to a cab driver!
