
Friday, September 09, 2005

The Shawshank Redemption * * * *

Who? Themos, Dimitri, Costas Z
Where? Home Theater

This is not one of the best movies ever, as imdb claims (#2 there, after the Godfather). Yet it's one damn fine movie on its own, with an almost poetic effect and beautiful nostalgia surrounding it at any point. I don't think that the good mood is a realistic portrayal of real life in prisons, with all the people just hanging out nicely, joking in an a-la-Friends situation. Still, it is worthly considered one of the best prison movies ever (that is a more fair statement).

The show was accompanied with Red Barrons frozen pizza (excellent!), Coke Lime (also excellent) and walk-by's of Casa people. Next time we are planning for trilogy+ marathons...
