
Friday, February 04, 2005


First ride with the new car, a 1999 Ford Mustang Convertible. 3.8L (matches my gpa). This car is so much fun to drive. The open top and the huge torque are amazing features. I realized that some of these car that are around for a few decades (mustang, firebird etc) have gone almost to perfection, in the sense that the manufactures now know very well what people need from a car like this, and they have settled down to a few successful deigns.

We drove the 110 up to Pasadena and back, the downtown drifting next to us. It's so good to be able to feel the environment. The only problem was that it was 12C temperature which meant that with the wind blowing at 65mph we almost froze to death and we had to turn the heating on to its full power to survive.

The engine is so powerful. For 65mph with the 4th gear I get 3000rpm. You can accelerate even at 65 or 70 mph up to 80-90 with no hassle. I can't feel I control the car yet, it just forces me to drive aggressively and speedy. But with time everything will come to an equilibrium.
