This is another top-quality hotel. Inside you can find another one of Dragone's shows, Le Reve:
They also have a beautiful patio with a nice waterfall and a lake in the background that is staggering:
Outside there are a number of stores attached to the hotel, such as a Ferrari store
... plus the Manolo Blahnics, Sex and the City's Carrie's favorite mythical shoes:
On our way up the strip, here is a view of the Venetian, another excellent billion-dollar scale hotel (the Phantom of the Opera plays here in their $40M custom-built theater):
A couple of blocks more north is Paris-Paris, which accidentally I had never photographed during the day!
I also discovered that inside Bellagio they host a chocolate fountain!
That's not all. There is more:
The fountain is huge! Here is how huge:
Soon after we went to the Paris-Paris buffet (best deal in the strip, especially since they have awesome desserts!), and then headed for the Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace hotel. Here an outside view of the Colosseum that they built just for Celine Dion to sing (since 2001):
So how was her show? We paid $165 each to sit on the first row of the balcony. The show was also created by Dragone (that also designed the unique "O" that I described two posts down). It has similar stuff: a huge LCD screen covering the whole back of the HUGE hall (it seats 4000 people!), numerous performers, things flying up, down, left and right, and of course Celine was just great. Although I am not a big fan of hers, I have to admit that she does sing p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y). Highs, lows, everything, her voice is loud and clean as if you have programmed a sine wave in a computer. Her singing was flawless and she didn't trip for a second. She even sat down in the front steps and talked with the people in the front rows during the show! On the other hand, not being a big fan of hers made me think that I paid a bit too much for her performance. I understand that she is one of the 2-3 top female performers around (and the fact that she solds out almost every single one of her 600 shows in the past 5 years proves it), but still it left me expecting something more (the show is 90 minutes long).
"O" set some new standards for me in this trip in terms of spectacle production and (maybe) theater. I now realize it has to be considered something like a masterpiece. It is unique, original and exciting. Please get good seats if you go and see it, they are worth the price.